I am sitting in zero g with my friends, and just before we left that place... DJ put one song, whose only line I am able to comprehend is " There is always a first time". And this just strike me like ten thousand lightening storms. And result of this storm taken a shape of poem. So true in itself, "there is always a first time". Isn't it?
There is always a first time
first time of love,
first time of betray.
first time of light,
first time of dark.
there is always a first time.....
there is always a first time.....
first time of smile,
first time of cry.
first time of innocence,
first time of vile.
there is always a first time.....
there is always a first time.....
first time of normalcy,
first time of absurdity.
first time of perfect,
first time of abstract.
first time of egotism,
first time of egotism,
first time of self pride.
there is always a first time.....
there is always a first time.....
the first hug,
the first parting away.
the first tears of joy,
the first tears of cry.
there is always a first time.....
there is always a first time.....
the first sense of individuality,
the first sense of dependency.
the first sense of a free bird,
the first sense of constraints.
There is always a first time.....